Sunday, February 19, 2006

Miss Monkey

After checking out other Sunday photos, it's clearly pet day! So, here is our Miss Monkey. Her long black tail with a crook at the end gave her that name. She's 8 months old and is cross eyed so her close up vision isn't that good. She loves to play fetch with her clump of feathers and brings it back to me every time. We must play this game twice a day.

We rescued her Christmas week and she instantly stole our hearts.


At 10:51 AM, Blogger sjobs said...

Miss Monkey is beautiful....

I love those eyes. I can see how she stole your hearts.


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Blogzie said...

Miss Monkey is a very special girl.

Oh so pretty.

And lucky too!


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Anne said...

we call our luna kitty the velvet monkey! your miss monkey is gorgeous!
i will have to follow suit today, and snap some pix of my 2 cats for photo sunday. i love it!

At 12:02 PM, Blogger nancy =) said...

miss monkey is a beauty...

and so loved, i can tell =)


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Sublime said...

Pet day indeed! What a cutie...

Onward and upward,

At 3:32 AM, Blogger alan said...

Gorgeous kitty! A lucky girl indeed to have been rescued by you!


At 6:27 PM, Blogger sttropezbutler said...

Oh my Miss Monkey!


At 8:25 AM, Blogger RED QUILT MAKER said...

Dot sez, a cat, so what. I'll sit on Bobby's lap.

Dash sez, does she want to play chase?


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Connie in FL said...

RQM.... we must get "the kids" together and see what happens.

Miss Monkey would love to play chase with Dash I'm sure. However, she just might do the chasing!

At 11:24 PM, Blogger CrackerLilo said...

What a cute age, and what a cute kitty! :-)

At 7:04 PM, Blogger dondon009 said...

Miss Monkey is a doll!

How lucky to have been adopted by Miss ConnieJane and family.......

My personal thanks for adopting, you may have saved a life!



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