Sunday, March 30, 2008


Due to circumstances beyond MY control and the eight year reign of GW, the time has come that I MUST obtain full time employment. We have been rolling the dice lately as we can no longer afford health insurance. So, my ever thoughtful dear cousin (rqm) came to my rescue and referred me to what looks like an excellent employment opportunity.

Via his connections I will be known in the trade as a Medical Concierge. Orientation is tomorrow but I believe that to be a fancy word for receptionist. The company I will be working for have health clinics located in Walgreen's drug stores. Operated by Nurse Practitioners. Not free but reasonable AND they take insurance. So if you can't get into your doctor or it's after office hours, you're on vacation or it's a holiday... see if you have one in your community. Enough with the commercial.

I have known for a couple of weeks that tomorrow is the beginning but denial is not just a river in Egypt. Sure, I passed my drug test without studying and that on line CPR class, but have waited until today to fill out all the necessary paper work and it's taken me the better part of the day to muddle through it all. Making copies as I type.

Now the clock seems to be running faster and faster, laughing at me as well! I buy lottery tickets every week... why not my numbers???

Good news... benefits start right away.
I will have benefits.
Keep saying it over and over...
Benefits Rock!


At 8:55 AM, Blogger dondon009 said...

OH MY..............

And to think that I was at Walgreen's yesterday waiting for a perscription and right next to me was the waiting area to the clinic!

Was that you, my dear.....?

I will be writing again soon.


At 11:15 AM, Blogger Connie in FL said...

HI DON! It's been too long!
Yesterday was my day off so it wasn't me. I am at the Walsingham Walgreens. Introduce yourself!

At 8:30 AM, Blogger sttropezbutler said...

RQM has kept me in the loop and I'm delighted to know you have the gig and the benes! Geez, working for benefits...who knew?


At 4:12 AM, Blogger alan said...

One of the many reasons for my bailing out now is not only us getting to keep the benefits, but Dottie getting to keep them if I depart...

Even having those, it's cheaper at times for me to visit the clinic at Walgreens than make the payment for the office visit at a doctor's office!

The "richest and most powerful nation on Earth" and yet here we are, one and all, unable to enjoy the "golden years" we were promised!

'Tis truly disgusting!


At 9:48 AM, Blogger dondon009 said...

Stop by my site when you have a chance.



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