Monday, June 11, 2007


Today I received the following email. Sometimes I just can't believe people really say this stuff! ...

America's top doctor?

Or America's top anti-gay spokesperson?

Tell your Senators to vote NO on Bush's nominee for Surgeon General.

Dear Connie,

Which of these warnings comes from the U.S. Surgeon General?

A. "Smoking causes lung cancer."
B. "Women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy."
C. "Gay activity is unnatural and unhealthy."

If President Bush has his way, ALL OF THE ABOVE might soon be the answer. His recent nomination of Dr. James Holsinger as America's top doctor flies in the face of science, medicine - and our nation's health.

Send a message to your Senators today, telling them to vote NO on Holsinger's nomination.

How can we trust Holsinger to be America's top doctor, when his resume looks like this:
In 1991 used basic plumbing analogies to write a "scientific and medical" paper arguing that homosexuality is unnatural and dangerous.
Founded the Hope Springs Community Church, which reportedly has a special program to "cure" gays from "that lifestyle."
Past writings indicate that he views sexual orientation as a "lifestyle choice." This could not be further from the view held by mainstream medical or scientific organizations.
James Holsinger's record seems to demonstrate that he is uninterested in the best scientific information available; instead, he allows his anti-gay bias to inform his medical judgments. What will he do if he's given the title of Surgeon General?

Help protect GLBT health by writing your Senators today.

Countless organizations have already voiced their outrage at Holsinger's nomination. Help turn it into a national outcry, by taking action today – and when you're done, PLEASE forward this message on to friends and family.

The Surgeon General is charged with protecting America's health. That doesn't mean some Americans, or not those Americans. It means all Americans.

Thank you.


Joe Solmonese


At 8:59 PM, Blogger dondon009 said...

Mission accomplished, dear friend!

Doesn't it all just make you sick?

I wouldn't let an idiot like Holsinger even take my temperature!

Just another conservative christian republican......



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